Rotary Club of Kathmandu Metro

Message From President


Rtn. C Mani Chaulagain

Dear fellow members of the Rotary Club of Kathmandu Metro and friends,

I am honored and privileged to serve as the President of our illustrious club during the Rotary Year 2023-24. First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the past presidents, committee chairs, board members, and dedicated members who have contributed to the remarkable journey of our club since its charter on 17th December 2003. Your commitment, guidance, and selfless service have been the cornerstone of our success.

As we embrace the Rotary International theme for this year, "Create Hope in the World," inspired by RI President R. Gordon R. McInally, and the District 3292 theme, "Light of Hope," as put forward by District Governor, Mr Rajendra P. Dhoju, we are presented with an incredible opportunity to make a meaningful impact in our community and beyond. Together, let us ignite the flame of hope, compassion, and service, reaching out to those in need, spreading positivity, and creating lasting change.

Guided by the principles of the Rotary Four-Way Test, we will continue to uphold our commitment to truth, fairness, goodwill, and benefit in all that we do. This ethical compass will guide our actions, decisions, and interactions, ensuring that our service and initiatives are rooted in integrity and make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Furthermore, we remain steadfast in our dedication to Rotary's seven areas of focus, recognizing their importance in addressing critical needs and building a better world. Our work will continue to focus on promoting peace and conflict resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, economic and community development, and environmental sustainability. Through these areas, we will empower communities, uplift the marginalized, and create a more equitable and sustainable future.

Together, let us unite our efforts, talents, and resources as we embark on this exciting year of service, fellowship, and Rotary excellence. With the collective power of our club, we have the ability to bring hope, light, and positive change to the lives of countless individuals.

Thank you for your unwavering support, dedication, and commitment to Rotary's noble ideals. It is through our collective efforts that we can truly make a difference and leave a lasting legacy in our community and the world.

I am honored to lead this remarkable Club, and I am filled with hope and optimism for the year ahead.

Yours in service,

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Helen Keller

U.S. author, educator, and disability rights advocate

Our Gallery

Here is our gallery.


Our Board Members 2023-24

This is the list of Board Members elected for 2023-24.

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